SEO Basics For Entrepreneurs: Tips For Easy Website Optimization

Any entrepreneur knows that one of the key factors in ensuring their growth is to market their business to the people who need their products and services. Well, here's some great news! Research indicates that over 90% of potential buyers visit the Internet. In other words, a lot of people are looking for you on the internet.

But how do you get them to find you?

There are two ways: either you buy internet traffic by paying for online advertisements, or you don't. If you are one of those who prefer free, which is everyone, then this article is for you.

One free way is SEO.

What is SEO?

This term refers to the techniques that you can use to improve the ranking of your website among the results presented by search engines like Google. If you want to attract more free internet traffic, this is an option to consider and make good use of.

Looked at in detail, SEO can be complicated, but it's relatively easy to understand the basics and implement it on your site. In most cases, it will suffice to apply the basics to stay ahead of the competition.

An easy recipe

Here's how to do it.

First, study your website and structure it so that each page deals with a unique topic.

This is useful because search engines aim to present readers with the information they are looking for, the first time, every time. To achieve this, they must understand the content of your web pages.

Make it easier for search engines

By articulating each page of your website around a unique theme, you will greatly facilitate search engine classification and presentation among relevant search results.

Then choose keywords that will optimize each page. Think about the terms people are most likely to use to find the information on the page.

Choose keywords

  1. Write down 5-10 keywords relevant to the page.
  2. Go to the Google AdWords site If you don't already have one, create a Google Account. It's free.
  3. On Google AdWords, open the Tools menu and select Keyword Planner Tool .
  4. Select Search for new keyword and ad group ideas. A page is displayed where you can enter the keywords you wrote down, as well as the address of the page to optimize and your category of products or services.
  5. Once you have entered the information, click on the Get Ideas button .
  6. Just below the Search Trends graph , you'll see two tabs: Ad Group Ideas and Keyword Ideas . Click the Keyword Ideas tab A little complicated to reach, but this is the magic page.
  7. Here you can enter your search terms (the keywords you wrote down) and know the average number of monthly searches for each one. Now you know if people are actually searching for the keywords you've been thinking about and how often. It is important to ensure that the keywords that will be used to optimize your page are among the most sought after, while being closely related to the theme of your page.
  8. Below the search terms, Google presents keyword suggestions and their own average number of monthly searches . Find relevant keywords that have a high average number of monthly searches.
  9. Now, make your definitive list of five relevant keywords with the highest average number of monthly searches. They are the ones that will be used to optimize your web page. It will likely be a combination of some of your own ideas and suggestions from Google.

Next, create your SEO structure. In it, you will list six important optimization elements for each web page, which you will review when preparing your content. This is what it looks like.

SEO structure
Page nameElementDetails
Online Marketing
SEO Tips
Optimization SEO
Page titleSEO Tips for Small Businesses
Description of the pageReferencing of SME websites. How to Easily Improve Your Website's Rank in Search Engine Results.
(H1, H2, etc.)
H1 = SEO of SME websites
H2 = Tips for online marketing
ALT tags for imagesSEO structure, free optimization tool


Enter your list of five keywords for the page. Entering them here will make it easier to optimize the other elements.

Page title

Search engines check the page title, also known as the title tag, in order to understand the content of the page. They also show this in search results, as shown in the following illustration:

Page title

The page title should be unique, include the most important keyword, and be catchy enough to generate interest in 60 characters or less. You should also know that the first words of the title have more weight than the following for SEO. So try to use your keyword as the initial title term.

Description of the page

Search engines display the page description below the title in the results, to help people choose the most relevant link to follow. Here is an example:

The quality of the page description is important, because the information it contains will greatly influence the reader's choice to click on your link or that of another site. The description must also be unique and contain no more than 160 characters.


In website code, headers are defined by <h1> to <h6>. These tags are simply used to define the size of the headers that will be presented to the reader. Of these six tags, H1 is the largest size, and H6 is the smallest.

Headers aren't just a quick way to change the size and font of your text. They tell search engines that the keywords in the headers are more important. It is therefore in your best interest to include your keywords. Remember to only use one H1 header per page; it designates your main title and should contain the most important keyword.

You can then spread the main keyword and the others all over your text. But don't overdo it; “keyword stuffing” can annoy readers and lower your pages ranking in Google results.

ALT tag for images

The ALT tag is used to display descriptive text for an image that does not appear, especially because some Internet users prefer to browse the Web with the images disabled. But image alt text is mostly used because search engines can't read the numbers or characters in images, much less understand the context of the image itself.

Your keywords might look great and eye-catching in an image, but the only way to get them recognized by search engines is to associate an ALT tag with the image. Therefore, creating alt text that includes your keywords is another effective SEO technique.

URL structure

The URL is the address of the page. The words used in its syntax send search engines very strong indications about the content of the page. The URL should therefore contain the main keyword of the page. Additionally, avoid composing URLs with strings that don't make sense to the visitor. Use only lowercase letters and numbers, and replace spaces with dashes.

Raise page rank

If you create an SEO structure for each of your web pages and optimize all six elements of it, you will have covered the most important aspects of SEO for search engines to rank your website better.

In some industries where online marketing is facing stiff competition, it may not be enough for your site to appear on the crucial first page of search results. But if you don't optimize for these elements, it's highly unlikely that your website will be spotted in searches other than by your brand or company name.


Now that all of your content is optimized, it's time to implement it on your website. If it is built using a content management system (CMS) such as WordPress, any changes can easily be made without the help of a programmer.

On the other hand, if an older exclusive system was used to create the site, you will have to give your referencing structure to your programmer so that he optimizes each page according to your indications.

Constantly evolving technology

Search engines are constantly changing the way they rank websites. What matters today may not be as strong in two or three years.

The social media have become increasingly important in the search results for some years. If you regularly participate in social platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn, you increase the chances that your website will appear in the search results.

Your best weapon: quality content

The quality of the content will always remain an essential SEO criterion. As long as people are looking for answers, search engines will try to find the most relevant pages to provide them.

Your best strategy to appear in the top search results and stay there is therefore to regularly post high-quality, up-to-date content. This will promote yourself as a leader in your industry and attract more visitors to convert into customers.


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